Maintenance Manual For Hankison Air Dryer Author: Subject: Maintenance Manual For Hankison Air Dryer Keywords: maintenance, manual, for, hankison, air, dryer Created Date: 5/4/2021 1:10:12 PM. View & download of more than 64 HANKISON PDF user manuals, service manuals, operating guides., Dryer user manuals, operating guides & specifications.

- DKC – compact, suitable for wall mounting
- HHL – standard

- HMW – internal-heat regeneration
- DB – external-heat regeneration
- HBD – Dryer Combination HybriDryer®
- AK – Activated carbon filtering
Desiccant Dryers are used wherever compressed air or gas needs to be dried to a pressure dew point of -20°, -40° C or, optionally, -70° C. In addition to the specific application, the size of the Desiccant Dryer is primarily determined by the medium, flow rate, operating pressure, inlet temperature and the required pressure dew point.
Hankison Air Dryer Maintenance Manual
Hankison desiccant dryers are suitable for flow rates from 9 m3/h to 13,000 m3/h.